Have you find meetings or workshops are boring and not giving clear results? Have you ever been in a meeting where you do not know what this meeting is all about? Have you lead a meeting and there is no involvement and engagement from the participants? Or seen only one or two active participants while the rest seems careless or do something else? Or you have been in series of meetings in a day that you cannot do your own work?
In an article in May 2019, McKinsey survey said that 61% of executives said that they are dealing with ineffective meetings.
The answer is the right way of facilitating your meetings and workshops so your participants will be involved in the discussion, engaged in decision-making process, and at the end they can make impactful results.
Right now you are holding a book that will tell you the principles and law of facilitating such meetings and workshops, shared by a professional practitioner with a broad spectrum of experience in the field. You are picking up the right book.